Fly Me To You Policies
The minimum duration required depends on the destination (see below)
The rest of Canada's Outcall rates apply
A 25% deposit is required
A reference of at least one courtesan is required
A complete LinkedIn profile or government-issued ID is required
All travel expenses must be paid before the appointment
For every period of 24 hours, I required 2 hours for myself to get ready for the day
I required at least 8 hours of sleep per night
I must be the only one to have access at all times to a safe to protect my personal belongings
The 75% donation remaining will be given once we are together
I travel only in the country I judge to be safe for me
Minimum duration require
Province of Québec and Ontario
(Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec City)
Rendezvous of 3 hours and more
The rest of Canada
Overnight of 15 hours and more
Weekend of 72 hours and more
Full week and more